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분당오픽센터 오픽 기출 답변

by 효랑이이 2022. 8. 1.

오픽 시험 기출문제와 제가 한 답변을 기록해보겠습니다.

참고로 저는 이번 시험에서 IH 등급을 받았습니다.


오픽 노잼을 보면서 공부했고 필러나 문장의 구조는 어느 정도 미리 외워갔습니다.


<시험 기출문제>

1. 해변
① 당신이 자주 가는 해변에 대해 말해주세요.

Well, I usually go '안목 beach' which is located on the right side of our country.(동해 자주 간다는 그런 말)
You know, Korea is surrounded by sea so there are tons of beaches here.
But you know what. we usually go 안목 beach.
What I really love about this beach is that it's just to blue and clear.(맑고 푸른 바다라고 말하고 싶었어요)
Every summer, almost most of peaple go to this beach for their summer vacation trip
and fully enjoy swimming or surfing.

② 해변에서 하는 activity에 대해 말해주세요

Alright, Here's the thing.(필러 놓칠 수 없어요)
In my case, I relly love swimming.
You know, no matter what, I mean, whenever I go to the beach,
I always swim and make sure to bring my sunglasses and sunscreen. (오픽노잼에서 배운 표현 활용해야죠)
You know, the sunlight is just so strong, especially in summer.
So It's quite rare for me to forget to bring them.
I mean, I have to protect my eyes and skin from the sun.

③ 기억에 남는 해변에 대해 말해주세요. 거기서 뭐했는지, 왜 기억에 남는지

Well, the last time I went to the beach was about 2 months ago.
and I had a big problem there.
여기서 오픽노잼의 past experience(똥방귀 에피소드) 활용했습니다.

2. 해외여행
① 가장 최근에 간 해외여행에 대해 말해주세요.

일본 여행. 가장 가까운 해외
I went to Japan recently. It's not far from Korea so I go there often (뻥이죠~ㅎㅎ 일본 한 번도 안 가본 1인입니다ㅎㅎ)
The geography there is very similar to Korea.
There are seas, rivers and also mountains.
I especially enjoy doing activites so whenever I go to Japan, I try to go swimming or camping, something like that (할 말 없어서 대충 얼버무림..)

② 여행하면서 예상치 못했던 일에 대해 말해주세요.

중국 여행을 가서 산낙지 먹었던 썰
I can't forget about a memory about live octopus. You know I went to China and saw many people enjoyine eating an live octopus. (산낙지는 우리나라에서도 먹는데ㅎㅎ)
I guess, you can say that, it's quite weird that people eat octopus raw, I mean not cooked or not steamed.
so I was very curious about the taste and tried eating it.(헤헤 이미 먹어봤지만 안 먹은 척)
But you know what it was terrible(무슨 소리! 개 맛있는데 뻥 쳤습니닿ㅎㅎ)
Even if the octopus was chopped into small pieces, it moved and stuck to my mouth and teeth!
I couldn't even swallow it. It was terrible and I won't try it again.(없어서 못 먹지~)

③ 기억에 남는 여행에 대해 말해주세요.

캐나다에서 바베큐 먹은 썰
Well I went to Canada with my parent when I was very young.
Actually, I can't remeber all the things but the only thing I rememer is the restaurant.(먹을 거밖에 기억 못 하는 1인ㅋㅋㅋ)
We went to decent resturant which served western style food.
We ate barbeque, pasta and fried potato, something like that (맛있는 게 더 이상 생각 안 났어요)
And you know what, the taste and texture was awesome! It was sp juicy and you knwo it was rellay tender.
We really loved the food and we were like "If we come Canada again, we should come this restaurant" (오픽노잼의 직접 인용 활용해보기)

3. 가족/친구
① 가족이나 친구 중 가장 자주 보는 사람에 대해 말해주세요.

Well as I told you ealier, I live with my parents now (자기소개 부분에서 부모님이랑 아파트에 산다고 했어요)
So whether I like it or not, I am with my parent everyday.
Um. I will talk about my mom.
I think she really enjoys doing household chores.(엄마에 대해 설명할 만한 게 안 떠올랐어요ㅠㅠ너무 슬프네요)
It's hard to believe but I saw her daincing when she did the dishes. I couldn't believe that!
(당연하지... 누가 설거지하면서 춤을 춰.. 근데 춤추는 사람도 있을 듯ㅎㅎ)
Whenever she cleans and wips the dishes, she listens to music and sometimes she even dances. so I think she really likes to do the dishes

② 가장 최근에 본 사람이 누군지, 뭐했는지 말해주세요. I met my friend to watch the movie. We made an appointment to meet at the theater.
Before the movie started, we bought some snacks, like popcons, nachos, and coke.
Also we really loved the movie.
(영화 주제 관련 준비했던 답변 써먹기! 약간 답정너 느낌쓰ㅋㅋㅋ)
It was an action movie and you know. I was very satisfied with the storyline. There was a twist at the end of the movie and it was touching. If the sequel is relased, I will watch it with my friend! ③ 휴일에 가족, 친구들이랑 뭐하는지 말해주세요. Well,, I have to do some household chores if I have a freetime on weekends.
You know, I have no time on weekdays because I come back home late from workplace.
so every weekend I clean my home and take out the garbage with my parents.
You know I'm quite lazy, so I don't like to go out only for recycling.
So whenever I do household chores on weekends, I always make sure to crush cans and plastic bottles into small things to save the space.
It's very crucial cos, I take out recycling when the bins are full to the max.
Also I make all boxes unfolded and even rip them imto small pieces. 4. 인터넷
① 친구가 기똥찬 웹사이트 하나를 발견했어요. 뭐에 대한 건지 3~4개 질문하세요.

Hi I wanna know about the website you found.
How can I contact to that website?
I mean can I get access to that with my smartphone or is it just limited to pc?
What topic does that website deal with?
Is it about shopping or online classes?
Is it free to connect? I mean can I get information with no fee?

② 당신이 인터넷을 이용해 한 프로젝트에 대해 설명해주세요. 그게 어떻게 도움이 되었나요. Well When I was a student, I did the project about selling product. It was snack for pets.
I had to make it by myself and sell it through online market.
그래서 인터넷으로 레시피랑 재료 같은 거 알아볼 수 있었다! 만약 인터넷이 없었다면 클래스를 듣거나 책을 사서 공부했어야 할 듯~ 이런 뉘앙스로 대답했습니다 ③ 인터넷 접속에 문제가 생겼어요. mechanic한테 전화. 빨리 해결해야 하는 이유를 설명해주세요.

헤이 메카닉! 빨리 인터넷 고쳐줘요~
유노 요즘 인터넷 없이는 아무것도 못 해열~
온라인 쇼핑부터 ott서비스도 인터넷 없음 못 즐기는 거 알잖아요. 그리고 무엇보다 담주에 온라인 시험 있어서 최대한 빨리 고쳐주셔야 돼요!

5. 집
① 과거랑 비교해서 집이 어떻게 변했는지 설명해주세요.(design, number of rooms,,,) Umm.. most of people these days prefer to not to live with their parents.
but when I was young, people lived together. Im mu case I love with not only parents, but also grand parents.
so the number of family numbers was huge.
I mean many people tend to live in an apartments which had more than 3 rooms.
but you know these days especially young generations don't want their kids and tend to live alone.
I guess you can say that, houses with just one room is really popular nowadays.

② 뉴스에서 말하는 housing, home 문제에 대해 설명해주세요.

Well it's quite tough.(뭐 이딴 질문을 하냐 이런 뜻ㅎㅎ)
There is a unique system in Korea. People can rent houses or apartments for 2 years(전세를 말하고 싶었어요).
It means that people should determine where to live every 2 years.
Even they want to live in same houses, they have to pay more because the price always goes up. You know because of inflation, prices of all things rise.
so It's quite serious problem in terms of housing.
Some people should get a loan to pay for it.
Hm, I think government should regulate the price of house or improve this system...to prevent many people from having problems with the houses

우왕 기출문제 복기 끝~~
완전 똑같이 말한 건 아니고 저런 뉘앙스로 답변했습니다.

저는 여우 오픽 모의고사로 연습하다가 어떻게 답변해야 할지 정말 모르겠는 게 많았는뎁...
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